Friday, 26 December 2014

A Christmas quilt

My sister-in-law has been going through some difficult times of late.  Not eating properly and little sleep doesn't help either.  For the times you can't be there in person, a quilt shows you care by providing comfort and warmth.  When wrapped in a handmade quilt you really are surrounded by love and Christmas is the perfect time to give a gift of love.  

My sister-in-law loves autumnal colours and this Honeysweet collection by Fig Tree and Co contained all the colours she loves best.  The reds and greens also look suitably Christmassy.  

The pattern is from Jelly Roll Quilts by Pam and Nicky Lintott.  It is an easy design to put together and I love the way the blocks create an optical illusion, appearing to float in the background fabric.  

A cherry fabric from the Eden collection by Nel Whatmore was used for the backing and a stylised flower design was chosen for the long arm quilting.  

The binding fabric is from the Honeysweet collection.  I couldn't source this one in the UK and ended up ordering it from the USA.  I'm glad that I made the effort to find it as it tones perfectly with the Cherries fabric.  Being a perfectionist has its benefits.

My sister-in-law loved her quilt.  All of it.  She loved the colours and the design.  She loved the soft feel of it.  She loved the cosiness and warmth.  As soon as she pulled the quilt out of its wrapping, she curled up in the armchair, pulled the quilt over her and fell asleep for an hour.  The healing has begun.

1 comment:

  1. Another beautiful quilt Jen, I'm so glad it was well received. I love the pattern, the blocks create a lovely effect.
